Saturday 5 February 2011

Problems with verb-subject agreement

Problems with verb-subject agreement
Irregular verbs

Not all verbs work in a regular way (see factsheet 1). Some of the most common verbs are irregular.

  1. e.g. be, go, do, have
    Verbs and subjects must still agree, but you have to learn and remember the way the irregular ones work.

    Note the correct verb form for the third person singular for these irregular verbs:
    'to do' = I do - he / she / it does (NOT do)
    'to have' = I have - he / she / it has (NOT have)
    'to go' = I go - he / she / it goes (NOT go)

    e.g. She does karate on Thursdays. They do lots of sparring.
    It has soft fur. They have soft hands.
    She goes sailing every month. I go every week.

  2. Too many words

    Sometimes it's difficult to work out the subject, because there are lots of words between the subject and the verb

    e.g.Steve, who has just returned from Australia, does not intend to go back.
    (Singular subject, 'Steve' = singular verb)

    The children, excited about Father Christmas, went to bed early without complaining.
    (Plural subject, 'children' = plural verb)

    The best thing on television last night was EastEnders.
    (Singular subject, 'thing' = singular verb)

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