Friday 4 February 2011

More about spotting adverbs

More about spotting adverbs
Adverbial phrases
Adverbial phrases are small strings of words that do the same job as single-word adverbs:

'I'll see him on Saturday.'
'She's in the kitchen.'
''The thief ran down the road.'
'The mobile phones rang all at once.'

Other places to find adverbs...
An adverb may also be used to describe another adverb or an adjective.
'The weekend passed very quickly.'
  • quickly describes the verb passed: quickly is an adverb.
  • very describes the adverb quickly: very is also an adverb.
'That seemed an extremely interesting plan.'
  • interesting describes the noun plan: interesting is an adjective.
  • extremely describes the adjective interesting: extremely is an adverb.
Adverbs can also qualify (describe) whole sentences:
'Hopefully the shoes will fit.'
'The dress, unfortunately, was ruined.'

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