Thursday 31 March 2011

What's Corporate Funding Really About?

What's Corporate Funding Really About?

Many have seen the overwhelming marketing ploys around the internet, especially on Craigslist. With the downturn in the economy, businesses are struggling to stay afloat. Capoital has been king in thid volatile environment and this is no where near the end. As a business oowner or entrepreneur , you are finding ways to make ends meet. Many have liquidated assets to keep employees, some have "trimmed the fat" and laid employees off.

Funny thing is, there's a solution many business owners don't know about. My name is Billy, an executive at CorporationGiant ( – (some call me Billy The Kid)
Because when it comes to raising capital or starting a business , I take the "Old West"
Approach; wuth guns blazing! Before I started in this industry , I had an epiphany as an entrepreneur … Why isn't there a solution for those honest , small business owners to obtain
Funding to increase marketing, hire more people or just have reserve funds? This intrigued me and I began my research. Turns out, there were plenty of "partial" solutions such as buy a Shelf orporation or a Seasoned Corporation, but that was it. You were left to fend for yourself. This is why I decided to push for additional funding from banks and so began my journey help THOUSANDS of business owners.
Over the last 10 years, the market hasn't been the best friend of business owners. Everything from healthcare to taxes, it has become a challenge to run a business . well, this was my goal, to tell the average business owner that "everything's going to be all right" as Bob Marley once extremely affordable. I was in the same shoed many years
Said. I've put together a 3 step process called "Get Funded". This process is simple and extremely affordable. I was in the same shoes many years ago and I am doing my part by providing a solution for those that want:
Seasoned Corporatios
Shelf Corporations
Corporate Funding
PauDex & DNB
Corporation Trading, Buying & Selling
This is a no-cost consultation that I am happy to provide to busuness owners that don't know
Where to turn. Simply put, there's a way to so it yourself,just set aside your fears and frustration and get back on track.

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